Happy Tummy Pumpkin Soup

Did you know...

That our Tea and Grace herbal teas can be used in many ways other than just as a lovely hot cuppa? 
Take our Happy Tummy Tea for example. 
This beautiful tea is made up of spices that can be easily included in your favourite curry or soup! 
A few ways we use Happy Tummy tea in our cooking are:

  • use a mortar and pestle to ground the dry tea spices to create a powdered blend 
  • brew a strong cup of Happy Tummy tea, and use this as a stock 
  • add the dry tea blend straight into the dish (great for curry and stir-fry!) 

A favourite recipe of ours is this scrumptious Pumpkin Soup, in which we add Happy Tummy tea as a stock. It gives it a subtle Indian/Moroccan taste, and just helps to make this soup, that much more delicious! 

We love getting creative with our teas and this Happy Tummy Pumpkin Soup is one for the whole family. It not only tastes delicious, but it carries the extra bonus of the wellness properties of Happy Tummy tea!

Bon Appétit!